Examinations got nothing on me

Warm comforting sunlight bathed my wooden desk. The orange glow emitting a gentle flow of sweet serendipity, gently streaming across the aisle and clothing everyone in a blush of something rare.

I looked out of my window – and saw the leisure of pace takes its time in the form of chirping sparrows, happily cruising through the plane of the present time. The chatty squirrels playfully chasing each other around the garden square, energetic in its childlike innocence, and charming in its mindful innocence. The students with checkered shirt and shin-high boots, the workers in their bright neon overall and the teachers with their thoughtful demeanour – all contributed to the beauty of my University.

The past two weeks have passed by in a blur of cramming and intense absorption, longer days and shorter nights, sleeping lightly with the anxiousness that I will not be able to finish my syllabus on time. I also lost my bottle, so I am now staying hydrated through my tupperware.

But exam stress aside, I am incredibly content with the people I surround myself with, the motivation and acceptance that I feel, and the love for myself and those around me.